I have had many people over the years ask me how to place ads on Craigslist. It is actually surprisingly easy. The most important part (in my opinion) is a good description, and good pictures. This requires a decent digital camera, or a good camera phone. I believe there is an app called Craigslist Pro for those of you who are smart phone savvy… as for me, I’ll stick with the dumb phone for now, and a good digital camera. Read on for my photo tips...
Happy Friday faithful readers! Did you find any great treasures last week? I hope the tips helped!
I have had many people over the years ask me how to place ads on Craigslist. It is actually surprisingly easy. The most important part (in my opinion) is a good description, and good pictures. This requires a decent digital camera, or a good camera phone. I believe there is an app called Craigslist Pro for those of you who are smart phone savvy… as for me, I’ll stick with the dumb phone for now, and a good digital camera. Read on for my photo tips...
Happy Friday, everyone! Did you try some of the tips I gave you last week at any yard sales or flea markets? I'd be happy to hear your success stories! Read on for some more tips to get you on your way to a great bargain!
Bagua 7, Part 2: (Clearing out the Adult's) Toys, Arts & Crafts Supplies, Hobby Related Equipment!
How did the decluttering with the kids go? Was there a lot of screaming, kicking, crying, and grumbling? What about from the kids (hee!)? This next part may be the tougher segment of this bagua, but exciting news! We are about to go "live"! Read on... |
moxy.Urban forager. Archives
May 2020