Take-out menus should either have their place (my sister has a cute little metal basket that hangs on the wall in her kitchen, decorated "Menus"), or recycled. If you have a phone book, a lot of places will have menus in there. Otherwise, most any menu for any restaurant is available on the interweb!
Oh, that is another thing: phone books! I might flip through the new book to see if there are any good coupons, but after that it never makes it through the door. I just looked it up: You can attempt to opt out of Yellow Pages phone book delivery by going to:
I get so frustrated seeing a sea of phone books blowing around after having been rained or snowed on, or because stacks of them get delivered en masse by short term people hired on to slog books for a few weeks that just don't care. I just opted out of receiving FOUR different phone books! Woo hoo!
Another part of the mail and paperwork is packages. These are usually things you have ordered, or things that have been sent by friends or family. On occasion, I have been known to set family packages aside, and open them when I am feeling blue. It is a great pick-me-up! With all other packages, get the product out, reuse or recycle all packaging materials (if you don't use them personally, check your local Craigslist. People are almost always looking for moving boxes, or packing materials... also, our local Pack and Ship store will take clean packing materials), and place user manuals in your filing cabinet immediately.
This is also the perfect opportunity for me to check up on you… remember way back in January when we talked about Periodicals? Do you have a stack of magazines or newspapers accumulating already, or have you been good at keeping up with them? Guilty! I will let it slide this time. Look around and see if you have any stray magazines, newspapers, newsletters, or bulletins and sort through them now, while you have the energy and gumption fresh at your fingertips! Refer back to my January 20th blog about life area 1 if you need a reminder. This should be a walk in the park by now!
Feeling better already? Great! Now what? Celebrate! of course! Now that my paperwork and mail bagua is clean and decluttered, I am going to reward myself with a nice long walk. Guess what I will be thinking about?
Next week! Bagua 8, Books and School Supplies!