How did it go with the clothing sorting? Did you try to sneak a pair of leather pants and a wide belt past me thinking no one would notice? I saw that. It’s okay. Set them somewhere that you think you will be aware of their presence. Better yet, wear them to work. Just once. See what happens. I apologise in advance…
Next up: Food and food related items. This Bagua for me is a blessing and a curse. I absolutely hate to waste, and will try to use every last scrap of a whole pumpkin or a chicken (usually pretty successfully!) before I will discard it. However, gross is gross. Even then, I will compost it… but that comes in a bit. Read on…
Where to begin? I have seen everything from a rotten container of sour cream to an entire pantry abundant with expired goods… it’s okay! Once again, life has gotten the upper hand. It is time to take it back. Make a date! This one may not be a challenge for friends and relatives to join in on. Yet I do suggest you should recruit the help of someone (anyone!) who lives in your house or at the very least prepare yourself with a glass of tea or (insert your favourite adult beverage here). Once you get into a groove, the tossing comes naturally. Sometimes it takes a voice of reason to say, “Let the brownie mix that expired in 2010 GO…” It may sting just a bit, but you can do it. Let’s go to the refrigerator…
Some people say that food “got pushed to the back of the fridge” and “I forgot about it”, and use that as an excuse for food spoiling or letting it go unused. That is a lazy excuse. I am no saint, but I make a conscious effort to go through the fridge, try to figure out what I have, what I should use up, and even if it is ginger root, chicken, and marshmallows, doggone it, I will go to my computer and search until I find a ginger, chicken, pineapple and marshmallow casserole recipe! The interweb is a font of useful information, people! It isn’t just for email and Faceyspace anymore!
Admittedly, I have a “what doesn’t kill me strengthens me” approach to the refrigerator. You would think I had grown up during the potato famine the way I hate to squander food … so I choose to emulate “the voice of reason” in these situations.
Make a plan! Rule of thumb: If it is expired, throw it out. Sounds simple enough, right? If it is unopened and expired, throw it out. If it is opened and expired, throw it out. Did you know that cream cheese turns pink when it goes bad (ask my ex-roomie about that one…)? If it smells bad, throw it out. Or, as my sister always says, “When in doubt, THROW IT OUT!!”
A couple of exceptions to this process are as follows: If you compost. If you have a garbage disposal. If you have neighbors you don’t like (KIDDING!!). Unfortunately, I do not have a disposal, although I do thoroughly enjoy using my sister’s industrial strength disposal when I go to visit. You could grind up a body in that puppy. Ahem- not that I would… Fortunately, I have compost. For food- not bodies… (You aren’t supposed to compost meat…)
Anything liquid or cream in the fridge, for all intents and purposes, can be rinsed down the drain. Don’t go calling Roto Rooter telling them moxy. told you so… it’s just what I do. Meat does not compost, and will have to go in the trash. Same for cheese. You would be surprised to find out what does compost! Shrimp shells… leather… Research this… and online sample search will reveal some fun findings! just as a start...
Personally, I would also take the little bit of extra time to wipe out the fridge when you are done. It’s just the icing on the decluttering cake to have a clean, clear fridge. I have cleaned out many a refrigerator for myself and other people, and if you make it routine, each time after it will be easier and easier!
Celebrate this little victory of clearing out your refrigerator! I will discuss compost a little bit more next week, and then... we head to the pantry (or the cupboards if you don't have a pantry)!
Next week:3. Food and food related items, Part 2!