First and foremost, the moxy. website is in the process of being revamped! A lot of the work has already been done by my whiz of a sister (my whizster if you will...), which means biggedy big things on the horizon!
You can now "Friend" us on Facebook, or "Follow" us on Instagram or Twitter! Give a look into the new changes, and check back for more to come!
There is a poll on the website asking YOU the reader what YOUR opinion of our moxy. wearables! Each t-shirt or apron has been hand screen printed and heat set by yours truly and fam! "Like" and "Share" the poll on Facebook for your chance to win a FREE moxy. t-shirt!
Overwhelmed? I am here to help! Much work on the docket helping out friends and family near and far... new clients, familiar faces. Decluttering and organising assistance from your favourite resident monkey is on its way!
Designing, creating, DIYing, repurposing... prioritising, reassessing, revitalising... diving into inventory that hasn't seen the light of day for a while... it is all so thrilling!
Another groovy milestone I would like to share is that moxy. has been invited to attend the City Market in Armory Square (Syracuse, New York). This is the 2nd Sunday of every month with the first one beginning May 10th, 2015! "City Market will be a market featuring things for the homes especially highlighting things for city abodes. Market will hopefully attract all including city dwellers young and old as well as students from the universities." Sounds like an amazing opportunity!
How is YOUR Spring going? Feel free to comment here, we would like to hear your thoughts and opinions!
Wonderful things on the horizon!